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Upbringing of your kids


How to raise your kids.

As we all know that the world is changing so requirements and ways to raise your child in an effective way is also becoming challenging.

Every one wants to well educate their children and provide them with the best facilities.

In today's world parents admit their kids in schools and try to train them in effective ways. But we are ignoring most important thing that is PARENTHOOD.

We are creating machines not humans. Kids don't have that attachment to their parents as we did, so basically where are we lacking?
We are providing our kids with more exposure to the world, as well as we are providing them lots of stuff to play with and to learn but why kids are not obedient, loving and caring!!
This is because we are not upbringing them in the way they have to be.

Stages in child development:

Basically there are three stages in the development of the kid from toddler to a teenager. That are divided according to the age.

  • From birth to 7 years old
  • From 7 to 13 years old
  • From 13 to 18 years old

Stage 1:

This stage is from the day of birth till the child gets 7 years old. This is the age when you should deal with kid as he /she is a king/queen and you are their slaves. Just let them do anything that they want and stop saying NO, as long as they are safe and comfortable. Personally I will recommend you to not to send your kids to school till they get 7 years old at least, because schools put an unnecessary pressure and burden on kids now because of their competition with their rivals. Kids are treated like a product not student! They put every kid in same place despite the fact that every kid is intelligent in their own way. Some of the kids manage to get good grades but what about others who face failure and bad grades! A constant feeling of failure develop in your kid's mind and he lose confidence in him, 
They have that powerful brain at the time of birth that Einstein, Alexander or other great people had or have. Your child have by birth ability to conquer the world. This is Us who really limit our kid's abilities by unnecessarily stopping them. 
Just let them play in sand if they want to, just let them color the walls if they want, just let them do anything they want to! Again I will say as long as they are safe. This will create a unique curiosity and sharpen their minds and polish their skills as well. And if you get worried about your kid's education then you can start homeschooling. 
You can check my article on homeschooling Home schooling : tips and benefits

Stage 2:

This stage starts from 7 years till 13 years. At this age just become opposite to the first stage just become king of the house and deal kids like your subordinate.

 Ask them to do small chores and help you in small tasks like cleaning the room, putting the trash out, painting the fence with you, setting dishes in dishwasher etc this will create a sense of responsibility in them. This is the age when your kid will be capable of learning 600 languages that is HUGE . Thanks to God who created every person in this unique way.
 So here you can teach your kid even high school level or bachelors level mathematics and different languages. Here I recommend you to enlist your kid in different kids clubs for interaction with different kids and also make them learn at least three languages and sciences. 
 I must say just judge the interest of your kid that in which field he can lead to a good career and then start introducing new things in that field to polish his mind and thinking. 
Made them busy in constructive activities like 
  • Cycling 
  •  Painting 
  •  Coloring  
  • Drawing  
  • Physical activities  
  • Physical games

And much more and just try to reduce their screen time. Communicate with them, play with them and let them learn new things. 


Stage 3:

Now this stage starts from 13 to 18 years. Here just be a friend of your kids. They are going to be grown up now. Just ask for their suggestions and also listen to them.
 Here is the age where a kid can bear the pressure of the school and if you really raise your kid in the way that is mentioned above then you will see the difference in your kid and others. He will be more responsible and intelligent also will be fast learner.
 So just trust on them and let them take some decisions. And be with them if any of their decisions get wrong. Your kid will be your friend and you will see them flourishing day by day.

So these were the stages of the child's development and how to raise them in the way that they will be successful in their lives. If you have kids then don't lose hope just start today and you will see the difference.

Best of luck and HAPPY PARENTHOOD.

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