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How to Deal with a stubborn kid


How to deal with a stubborn kid.

Kids with stubborn nature can be a challenge for their parents. Its not easy to cope with the kid who is stubborn and irritated.

Being a mother of two I can understand how difficult it can be to handle a stubborn kid. They sometimes cause so much stress that I myself become irritated and angry.

I follow some tips to handle my kid which I am going to share with you, so that you can also take advantage of.

Find out "things" that annoy your kid. 

First of all you have to be patient, then just try to find out the root cause. Every kid have a unique personality, different mindset and nature. That is why their reactions are different in the same situation.

So you have to find out what are the main things that make your kid annoy and trigger tantrums. Some kids are possessive for their stuff and don't like to share them,some are self willed and when they want something and can't get they become annoyed, and many other factors affect the reactions of the kid.

Things to avoid :

There is a list of things that you should avoid while dealing with a stubborn kid.

  • You must avoid yelling on kid it will make them more annoyed. 
  • Never hit your kids. 
  • Stop saying "NO" Unnecessary. 
  • Don’t try to convince your kid in the mid of tantrum session, it will make him more aggressive. 

Try to avoid these things at the time when your kid is already annoyed and irritated.

Things to adopt to deal with a stubborn kid:

Following are the things you should adopt:
  • Ask him what he want and try to console him.
  • Build a friendly relationship with your kids. 
  • Play with your kids. 
  • Engage them in physical activities. 
  • Engage them in doing some activities that can brain train them and let them think positive. 
  • Show trust in your kids. 
  • Let them take their own decisions and empower them (in small things like choosing dress, choosing shoes, choosing food) 

Summing up:

So these are some tips that you can follow to help your kid during his tantrum. I know it is not that easy as it sounds because I am also in the same boat, but you can try to adopt these strategies so that you can deal with your kid effectively. 

Best of luck and and HAPPY PARENTHOOD.... 
