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Oneforma: legit or scam?

Oneforma Review:

Hello tasker!! Hope you are fine.... If you are here then I can understand how much you are willing to and desperate for using your time in a productive and professional way! 
Microjobs are fun but sometimes become headache because of repeated tasks and low rewards. 

I have discussed some of microtasking platforms before in my blog about how to 
Earn money online. One of them is Oneforma

If you are worried about the legitimacy of this platform then don't worry about it, it is a legit site and it pays you well for performing the tasks.

Types of tasks to perform

There are numerous jobs available on oneforma. You can earn money by

  • Data entry
  • Translation 
  • Transcription 
  • Annotation / labeling 
  • Testing 
  • Content creation 
  • Judging / grading 

But for starting these tasks you have to get some certification by passing the exams that are available on the same platform. The certification is not that easy to pass as it appears. 

You will have few attempts to pass the exam and if you will pass then you will be eligible to apply for a job. After applying you will have to wait for 7-10 days for their rply if they don't rply consider it as a rejection. 

So, honestly it is not easy to qualify for a job on Oneforma because of their requirements and eligibility tests. 

Earning potential:

As compared to other sites it have more earning potential as the tasks are high paying but it is difficult to land a job so it would be sometime exhausting and tiring for you. 

You can earn from $10 to hundreds of dollars for the tasks if you qualify and succeed in getting the opportunity. 

Payment methods:

They have two payment methods :

  • Payoneer:
It’s their preferred method of payment and bank transfer has stopped working after November 2022. So basically you need to setup a payoneer account to get paid.

  • PayPal :
It's the second method of payment that Oneforma offers. For payments less than $300 you can use PayPal.

You can check this site from the following link:

Summing up:

At the end i must say when you are willing to do hard work then nothing is impossible. With consistency and efforts you can make your way through the difficult times. So if you're patient and willing to do hard work then I recommend to give it a try.

Happy tasking.... 😇
