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Importance of Healthy relationship of parents

Importance of healthy relationship of parents. 

Here i am going to discuss the importance of the good and loving relationship between parents. Parents are role models for children and they learn the family relationships and how to behave in certain relationship from them. 

If you are a happy couple you will see that you children will be happy and satisfied but if you have a problematic relation then kids must be disturbed and confused.

You must have seen these examples in your society where kids suffered a lot because of their parents. Parents keep on quarreling and don't think about their children, that what an adverse effect happens on their own children because of their selfishness and lack of patience.

But in contrast kids of a happy couple are happy and confident. They don't have to worry about their parents nor any negative vibes are going to them.

Let's discuss some good effects of having a healthy relationship with your partners on your kids:

  • Kids will be more confident. 
  • Kids will be more satisfied.
  • Yours kids will be good in studies. 
  • You will see the difference in their personality as compared to the disturbed kids. 
  • They will learn from you that how to deal with the spouse. 
  • They will be very loving and affectionate. 
  • There image for their own life will be positive and calm.
So you can understand that why healthy relationship is necessary in a marriage. But in contrast if the relationship between parents are toxic then there will be very bad effects on kids i.e:

  • They will have lack of confidence.
  • They will remain disturbed and confused. 
  • They will not be able to pay attention on studies. 
  • They will have personality disorders.
  • There will be a negative impression on them about marriage. 
  • They will be unable to make healthy relationship with their spouse.
  • May be they get afraid to get married.
  • May be they suffer psychological disorders.

Now you may can understand that why having good relationships and sometimes making compromises are necessary. Kids are innocent and you are the one who brought them to the world so its your responsibility to raise your kids properly. For tips regarding upbringing your kids you can check my article How to raise your kids.
And if you are single parent and responsible for upbringing your child then you can check following article Tips for single parents
